
Watershed Kids

While churches are closed due to coronavirus, GO! will provide a video adaptation of lessons for families to enjoy at home.

The GO! team has been hard at work to help support children's ministry leaders in these challenging times. GO! will be partnering with the Journey Kids team at Abundant Life in Lee Summit, Missouri to provide a video adaptation of the GO! lessons. The videos are created in the style of a quirky morning show for kids. It's a fun-filled experience that the whole family (even preschoolers) can enjoy together!


September 13 | The Sun Stands Still (6:54 video lesson)
Big Idea: God has power over all things, so we can battle our fear with faith.
Bible Basis: Joshua 9-10
Key Verse:  Psalm 34:4 (NIrV)
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Jeremy helps Nick repel from the roof while wearing a blindfold. What?! That's crazy! Through it all they discover that God is always with them, so they don'...

September 6 | Rahab Helps the Spies (5:21 video lesson)
Big Idea: God hears our prayers so we can call out to Him with our whole heart.
Bible Basis: Joshua 2
Key Verse:  Psalm 18:6 (NIrV)
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Toshaun and Ethan face off in a hot wings challenge and, in the process, teach us an important lesson about asking for help! https://www.gocurriculum.com/25-...

August 30 | Remembering God's Goodness (6:34 video lesson)
Big Idea: God wants us to remember all of the great things He has done for us.
Bible Basis: Joshua 3-4
Key Verse:  Psalm 105:5
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Jeremy and Toshaun compete to build the tallest, well, pile of rocks. The winner gets to pelt the other with water balloons. Tune in to find out what in the ...

August 23 | The Bronze Snake (8:04 video lesson)
Big Idea: God is merciful and has lifted His Son upon a cross so that we might be saved from death.
Bible Basis: Numbers 21:1-9
Key Verse:  John 3:14-15
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Jeremy plays a prank on Toshaun that leads to a "shocking" plan to settle the score. But, instead, they learn an important lesson about forgiveness from the ...

August 16 | God's Love and Forgiveness (4:25 video lesson)
Big Idea: God's love and forgiveness is greater than our sin.
Bible Basis: John 4:1-26
Key Verse:  Romans 5:8
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Jeremy and James get bamboozled by their own kids. While locked in a storage closet, they discover that God's love and forgiveness is greater than our sin. h...

August 9 | The Book of Exodus (8:05 video lesson)
Big Idea: God is powerful.
Bible Basis: Exodus
Key Verse:  Jeremiah 32:17
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Jeremy and James reenact the showdown between Moses and Pharaoh. The story helps them discover the overwhelming power of God. https://www.gocurriculum.com/21...

August 2 | The Book of Genesis (6:49 video lesson)
Big Idea: God keeps His promises.
Bible Basis: Genesis
Key Verse:  Psalm 145:13
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Jeremy fulfills a long-ago promise to James by getting help from the bomb squad to blow up a watermelon. Together, they learn that people sometimes don't kee...

July 26 | Pray for Each Other (8:56 video lesson)
Big Idea: God calls us to share our struggles with one another and to pray for each other.
Bible Basis: James 5
Key Verse:  James 5:16
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Jeremy and Tashan play a crazy wig-snatching, shirt-tearing, milk-chugging game that helps them recount the story of Ezra's prayer for his people. Together, ...

July 19 | Taming the Tongue (5:51 video lesson)
Big Idea: God calls us to be careful with our words.
Bible Basis: James 3
Key Verse:  James 3:5
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Les and Nick drop Mentos into a bottle of Diet Coke and see explosive results. The experiment helps them understand how the tongue is small, but can cause a ...

July 12 | Treat Everyone the Same (6:30 video lesson)
Big Idea: God calls us to love and treat everyone the same.
Bible Basis: James 2
Key Verse: James 2:1
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Jeremy loses a challenge against Les and has to go dumpster diving. Together, with the help from the Book of James, they discover the importance of treating ...

July 5 | Listen and Do What is Right (10:17 video lesson)
Big Idea: God calls us to listen to His word and do what it tells us.
Bible Basis: James 1:19-27
Key Verse: James 1:22
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Jeremy and Nick get dressed up in ridiculous costumes and compete in a super silly memory challenge. The competition leads them into a deeper understanding o...

June 28 | Joy and Wisdom in Times of Trouble (8:47 video lesson)
Big Idea: God calls us to seek Him for wisdom in times of trouble.
Bible Basis: James 1:2-5
Key Verse: James 1:5
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Jeremy has a strange reaction to finding out that Nick destroyed his car. They compete against each other in a strange balloon blowing and stuffing competiti...

June 21 | Jesus is the Way, Truth, and Life (5:38 video lesson)
Big Idea: Jesus is the one true God and following Him is the only way to eternal life.
Bible Basis: John 14:5-14
Key Verse: John 14:6
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Jennifer and Les talk about what Jesus meant when He said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life." Their friends join them for a delicious/not-so-delicious ...

June 14 | Jesus is the Light of the World (5:48 video lesson)
Big Idea: Jesus is the light that leads us out of darkness.
Bible Basis: John 8:12-20
Key Verse: John 8:12
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Jeremy and Jennifer embark on a crazy blindfold race while "trouble" and "danger" try to thwart them. Together, they discover what it means that Jesus is the...

June 7 | Jesus is the Good Shepherd (4:54 video lesson)
Big Idea: Jesus is the good shepherd, so we should listen to His voice and follow Him.
Bible Basis: John 10:1-18
Key Verse: John 10:14
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Jeremy and Jennifer explore the idea that Jesus is the Good Shepherd. They play a rather strange game where they have to distinguish the Good Shepherd's voic...

May 30 | Jesus is the True Vine (12:03 video lesson)
Big Idea: Jesus is the vine, so we can grow by staying connected to Him.
Bible Basis: John 15:1-17
Key Verse: John 15:5
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Jeremy and Jennifer finally return to their studio. Jeremy makes a terrible mistake by eating some old, rotting grapes he had left behind 2 months ago. The p...

May 24 | God's Story in Our Lives (22:44 video lesson)
Big Idea: God’s story of love and redemption continues today in the lives of His children.
Bible Basis: 1 John 3:1-3
Key Verse: John 1:12
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Jeremy hosts a Big Bible Story trivia competition that pits Team Les against Team Nick. During the competition, we learn how the individual stories of the Bi...

May 16 | Paul is Arrested (4:18 video lesson)
Big Idea: The good news of Jesus sets us free from sin, so we can tell our story to others.
Bible Basis: Acts 21-28
Key Verse: Psalm 107:2
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May 10 | Paul and Silas in Prison (9:56 video lesson)
Big Idea: The good news of Jesus is for all people, so we should always be ready to share why we believe.
Bible Basis: Acts 16:16-40
Key Verse: 1 Peter 3:15
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Jeremy anchors the Good News Network while Jennifer and Les struggle to find the appropriate bridge to report from. Together they discover how Jesus is the b...

May 3 | Paul's Great Escape (8:01 video lesson)
Big Idea: The Holy Spirit gives us power to boldly tell others about the good news of Jesus.
Bible Basis: Acts 9:19-31
Key Verse: Acts 1:8
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Jeremy anchors the Good News Network while Jennifer reports from the "field." Together they discover the importance of sharing the Good News of Jesus with th...

APRIL 26 | Saul Sees the Light (9:51 video lesson)
Big Idea: Jesus changes our heart, so we're a new creation when we follow Him.
Bible Basis: Acts 9:1-19
Key Verse: 2 Corinthians 5:17
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Jeremy and Jennifer do a retelling of "Saul Sees the Light" that is totally bonkers. Afterwards, they have a "transformational" joke competition that helps t...

APRIL 19 | The Kingdom of Heaven (6:45 video lesson)
Big Idea:  God promises eternal life to those who seek and find Him.
Bible Basis: Matthew 7:7-12; Matthew 13:44
Key Verse: Matthew 7:7
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Les and Jennifer play a guessing game in search of the hidden treasure. Meanwhile, they discover the greatest treasure ever--life with Jesus in the Kingdom o...

APRIL 12 | Easter: Jesus is Alive (8:20 video lesson)
Big Idea:  Jesus rose from the dead, so I can find a new life in Him.
Bible Basis: Matthew 28:1-10
Key Verse: Ephesians 2:5
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Jeremy and Jennifer use the Bible button to go back in time and explore the story of the resurrection of Jesus. Plus...Jennifer goes on a crazy egg hunt with...

APRIL 5 | Death on the Cross (11:55 video lesson)
Big Idea:  God's grace is big enough, so we can go to Him no matter who we are or what we've done.
Bible Basis: Luke 23:32-46
Key Verse: Titus 2:11
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Use this Kids church lesson with your children at home! Join Jeremy and Jennifer as they take a trip back in time to explore the story of Jesus' death on the...

MARCH 29 | The Last Supper (7:12 video lesson)
Big Idea:  Jesus gave His body and blood for our sins, so we can remember Him through communion.
Bible Basis: Matthew 26:17-30; Luke 22:7-30
Key Verse: 1 Corinthians 11:26
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Use this Kids church lesson with your children at home! Join Jeremy and Jennifer as they take a trip back in time to explore the story of Jesus' last supper ...

MARCH 22 | Jesus Washes the Disciples' Feet (7:23 video lesson)
Big Idea: Jesus served others and wants us to do the same.
Bible Basis: John 13:1-17
Key Verse: Mark 9:35
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Use this Kids church lesson with your children at home! Join Jeremy and Jennifer as they race through a "stinky feet" obstacle course and discover that the r...