• Watershed Church (map)
  • 720 South Elmwood Avenue
  • Traverse City, MI, 49684
  • United States

Lenten Series: A Table In the Wilderness

We invite you to participate in a Lenten journey with us! This week we will explore the story of the time Jesus spent in the desert and reflect on how Jesus is the strongest example of God’s provision in the wilderness.

Modeled after Jesus’ forty days in the desert, Lent is a time to become more open to God through the vulnerabilities of life. These might include our biggest worries and fears about our own lives, and the lives of our friends and families, or our concerns about the brokenness we see in the world around us.

Our Lenten observance this year comes with an invitation to bring these concerns before God and join with others wanting to taste God’s promised provision in the deserts of life.

Will you join the community of Watershed Church in giving God a chance to feed us with the food only God can provide? 

Image courtesy of Frank Gutbrod © Reformed Worship 2022